Page 6 - NACPI
P. 6

Item Search:

               1.  A time of ten (10) minutes is allowed for the item search.

               2.  Ten (10) items from the following list (suitcases, computer cases, hand bags, cloth totes or
                   paint cans) will be placed 36” apart.

               3.  If paint cans are utilized they must be set up as follows. One-gallon metal paint cans. Each
                   of the one-gallon cans will have a quart sized metal paint can inserted inside it. The quart
                   sized cans will have lids either with ten (10) quarter (1/4) inch sized holes or with "ATF"
                   style punched holes.

               4.  Two (2) will contain target odor vials and two (2) will contain non-target related distracters.

               5.  Distracters will be non bed bug related, chosen from the following: empty training vials,
                   food items and/or dog toys.

               6.  A pass will be awarded when canine alerts to and handler calls out two (2) live hides with no
                   false alerts allowed.

               Multiple Teams:

               1.  A team is one (1) handler with one (1) canine. A handler with two (2) canines is considered
                   two (2) teams. Two (2) handlers sharing one (1) canine is considered two (2) teams.

               2.  Separate evaluation areas must be set for each team.

               Certification Fail Status:

               1.  Teams must wait until the next day (not necessarily 24 hours) to reattempt certification.

               2.  Upon a second fail status, a thirty (30) day waiting period will be enforced to allow for
                   ample training.

               3.  Team fail status is not publicly listed on the NACPI website or other materials.

               Certification Pass Status:

               1.  After successfully passing a certification, the team will be issued a certificate valid for one
                   (1) year from the date of certification. The certificate is valid only for the scent listed.

               2.  An annual certification does not relieve the team from its obligation to perform and
                   document regular training and conducting of periodic assessments to maintain high levels
                   of proficiency.

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               Jan 1, 2018
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